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Blood Lines of Ives Eulenspiegel – Foundation & Development by Olga Grin (Vet & Judge)

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Blood Line of Ives Eulenspiegel—
Foundation & Development
By Olga Grin, DVM (Veterinarian & Rottweiler Specialist Judge)
Author of “Essentials of Rottweiler Breeding”

Beginning the story of the most solid genealogical platform of the breed, it is worth mentioning that each time has its own priorities; lines live and disappear, progress, or are absorbed by others. But the bloodline which I will discuss in this article has been dominant in the genealogical structure of the Rottweiler breed for already 40 years. It has produced the most powerful impact on the population of Rottweilers in the middle of the cultural history of breeding and is still important, having created a whole constellation of breeding lines.

Of course, I mean the line of Ives Eulenspiegel. This is the most powerful, ramified and fruitful line of Rottweilers in the modern world, rich in Champions. This line, from the beginning to the division into separate structures (early 80’s) has always been very consolidated. The work was conducted with a limited number of dogs with the help of inbreeding. Ancestors of this branch of the male line ascended directly to the founder of the Rottweiler population, Arko v. Torfwerk. Having developed for 50 years, this bloodline was stable, but was not rich in really great studs. We can say that it “matured”, staying in rather an inconspicuous position for more than 20 generations, supported by the injection of the blood of more progressive lines and families. A descendant of this ancient line is Astor v. Landgraben, born in 1971, who was, ironically, a male of Danish breeding for three generations, which did not prevent him from becoming the father of the founder’s most important contemporary German line.

So, Ives Eulenspiegel was born on September 13, 1973, in the Eulenspiegel kennel belonging to an experienced breeder, expert and ADRK Körmeister, Marianne Bruns. Prior to the receipt of this litter, Ms. Bruns had already had 40 years’ experience in breeding; she had previously bred Rottweilers of excellentquality that have influenced the development of the breed not only in Germany, but also in many European countries, Scandinavia and the UK. The I-litter pedigree was built on these dogs, whose genetic abilities Ms. Bruns knew very well. Ives came from Astor v. Landgraben (grandson on the maternal side of a very beautiful female and an excellent Bärbel vom Grevingsberg, (once owned by Mrs. Bruns) and Dina v. Kaiserberg, a strong, perfectly structured female also purchased for the Eulenspiegel kennel, as a three-year-old mature brood bitch. Dina produced several successful litters; the most successful of them were combinations with the descendants of Baerbel. In Ives’ pedigree there is a very distant inbreeding V: IV to BS 1954 Igor v. Kohlwald, (scheme 14), which points directly to the link of the comparatively “young” Ives lines with the oldest genealogical structure.

Subsequently, Ives gained worldwide fame, both due to his show victories (he would become International Champion and European Champion in 1977, and would receive a lifetime Körung), and due to his reputation, the highest class of stud. Ives was a big, athletic dog with strong bone; we still admire his outstanding noble head in his descendants after many generations. Ives spent his whole life in Germany and belonged to Mr. Reinhard Zielbauer. Ives received admission to breeding (Ztp) on May 3, 1975, in his home town of Mölln from Judge Paul Schäfer. Official description and measurements of Ives Eulenspiegel made on October 22, 1978, at the Körung in Oberhausen, Germany, by: Körmeisters Friedrich Berger and Willi Hedtke:

Dimensions: height at the withers: 68 cm, weight: 58 kg, depth of chest: 33 cm, chest girth: 92 cm, length of body: 78 cm. Dog of medium height with strong bone, with no signs of fleshiness. Good fore and hind quarters. Healthy thick coat. Very intense rusty-brown markings. Good pigmentation. Big head. Dark brown eyes. Correctly set ears. Good volume of the muzzle. Scissors bite. Healthy teeth. Proper trot, good normal position of the elbows, good balance. Hind quarters a little stiff. Recommendations on the selection of bitches: Particularly suitable for bitches from small to medium height with problem highly set and light ears. The female should be built up correctly. Not suitable for tall bitches with heavy ears.

Ives’ phenomenal success as a producer was undoubtedly caused by two factors: the presence of positive prepotency and a correct selection and choice bitches for him. As can be seen from archival documents, in combination with bitches of different origin and type, he gave progeny a class higher than the level of mothers. Ives sired over 40 sons who were admitted to breeding, and this kind of a record was only beaten in the future by his own descendants who were used as widely as their outstanding father. The main characteristic of Ives descendants were important consistently transmitted features. They were tall and had a pronounced sexual dimorphism; males were big, massive, with strong bones; females were correctly constructed and rather big. Most of the known descendants had beautiful heads with correct typical expression. Ives had only one brother, ILO; he lived a modest life, not far from his magnificent brother-in-blood, had a mediocre exterior, and in no way proved himself as a stud dog.

Ives was used very frequently. He has produced many outstanding Champions. His sons and daughters were valued at all times and left a positive mark not only in Germany but also worldwide. And finally, Ives, being the “founding father” of the broadest line with a very high degree of consolidation, dominating in Germany and Europe, produced several founders of new prominent lines. In Germany and Europe, Ives founded two important blood lines that have influence in the modern world and followers through their sons Dingo v. Schwaiger Wappen and Amigo v. Kressbach (this branch is better known through Amigo’s son, Hassan v. Königsgarten). In the United States, Ives’ grandchildren through Timm v. Mummler, Mirko v. Steinkopf, Amboss v. Königssiek, and Cyras vom Leinetal had a broad impact. Thus, historically, Ives can be attributed to a group of stable improvers. There are few stud dogs of such level in the history of any breed, with such stable hereditary qualities. Ives Eulenspiegel is an exclusive stud dog, “the father of fathers” of the elite nucleus of the breed at the present stage. Many times we will have to return to the issue of Ives himself and his immediate descendants. An interesting fact which is undoubtedly worth noting in the characteristic of this line is that the absolute majority of representatives of contemporary Rottweilers have Ives’ blood back in their pedigrees, and, moreover, in many cases in combination with inbreeding on himself or his offspring.


Maintaining the blood line of Ives Eulenspiegel through Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen, Santo v Schwaiger Wappen, Benno vd Schwarzen Heide

A large number of quality offspring were born from Ives. Two of them—Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen and  migo v Kressbach (via Hassan v Konigsgarten)—founded their own lines; at present they are used and

The progeny of Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen and Amigo v Kressbach are marked by the highest quality. The breed history is full of moments when the representatives of the two major strategic branches of the same line competed with each other in fierce ring battles for the right of championship and prosperity. It is a known fact that time is the judge in any dispute—this happened in this case as well—but there were no winners in this case. As a result, many of the best specimens of the breed were derived from the confluence of these lines, and both lines are flourishing.

Let’s consider the results of the use at stud of Dingo and his influence on the modern population. Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen was born on October 17, 1976 from the pairing of Ives Eulenspiegel and Anja v Schwaiger Wappen. In his pedigree there was remote inbreeding IV:IV to the parent pair of Alex v Kloster Didibodenberg x Baerbel v Grevinsberg, through Dack and Dolli vd Meierai. In my opinion, this pedigree represents a classically successful use of a well-calculated inbreeding through a proven combination of bloodlines.



It is in this example that we can estimate the importance of family influence on the breed. Dingo came from the strongest females of the time whose influence remains strong today. Mr. Xaver Meixner, the breeder of Dingo and the owner of Schwaiger Wappen Kennel, many years later always speaks fondly about this outstanding dog. But, it was the owner of Dingo, Mr. Hans Riedel (Hirschenrangen kennel), who did everything to give Dingo career opportunities and recognition as a stud dog, combining high conformation with working qualities.

Excerpt from the critique

Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen (Ives Eulenspiegel x Anja v Schwaiger Wappen) KÖRUNG October 21, 1978 in Oberhausen, Judges F. Berger, W. Hedtke

Height: 67 cm, length of the body 76cm, weight 57 kg, chest depth 32, chest girth 90cm

Big male of prominent type, dry, with well-developed muscles and bone. Very typical head, brown eyes, lips a little fleshy. The shoulders should be stronger, correct stand of the hindquarters. The back is strong and springy. Sexual type is expressed, the character active and brave. General appearance-typical Rottweiler.

Recommendations for use at stud: particularly suitable for strong females of average height, as well as to females with an elongated head, with dark eyes. Careful use on females with heavy ears. Dingo was very actively used at stud, as he fully corresponded to the preferred characteristics of the breed type and had qualities appealing to breeders: big height, robust, constructive, with expressive bulky head. He was really a first-class dog. Titles Dingo held are Gekört bis EZA, SchH 3, Interchampion, ES’82, BS’80-’81, and KS’80. But, Dingo’s history would not be complete if you do not focus in greater detail on the kennel where he was born, since the history of Schwaiger Wappen is to some degree the prehistory of the modern status of the Rottweiler. Let’s make a small excursion into the history of the kennel that gave the world so many wonderful Rottweilers.

The name Schwaiger Wappen is familiar to anyone interested in the Rottweiler breed. The kennel’s history includes more than three decades of successful breeding of Rottweilers. The name of the kennel was registered in the early 1970s by Nürnberg butcher Xaver Meixner. Rottweilers breeding from Schwaiger Wappen began with the acquisition of a female, Anka v Lohauserholz, born in 1972. She came from the strongest producers of the time, Dack vd Meierei and Tilla v Kursaal. A portrait of Anka, made with oil, now adorns the wall of the Meixners’ house . Underneath is the inscription: “Anka v Lohauserholz ancestress of the kennel.” Anka’s show career developed very successfully. In 1974 at age two, she won the title of ADRK Klubsiegerin in Rottweil. It is interesting that her sister Asta v Lohauserholz became double ADRK Klubsiegerin in 1976 and 1977. Anka later became the grandmother of Dingo on the maternal line.

The first litter of Rottweilers was obtained at Schwaiger Wappen from Anka and Attila vd Vierten Donaubrucke in 1974. From it, Mr. Meixner keeps a puppy bitch, Anja v Schwaiger Wappen. Later another daughter of Anka will join the kennel: Froni v Schwaiger Wappen (1978). However. it was the D-litter that became the kennel’s first great success. It was the first mating of Anja v Schwaiger Wappen and well-known producer Ives Eulenspiegel, the founder of the most influential modern line. It is this combination that produced one of the main successors of Ives Eulenspiegel line: the legendary Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen. Dingo had the highest titles of International Champion, European Champion 1982, German Champion 1980 and 1981, Champion of ADRK Rottweiler Club 1980, and Lifetime Körung. Dingo, like his brothers on his mother from the previous  litter, created a very good reputation for the kennel that Schwaiger Wappen has been able to maintain throughout its history. In the late ’70s, Schwaiger Wappen began working closely with the famous Rottweiler kennel Zimmerplatz. So in 1979, Mr. Xavier Meixner took in his kennel brood bitch Itta v Zimmerplatz, a daughter of Cuno v Schwaiger Wappen and a magnificent show model of those years, Assy v Haugenfeld (ADRK Klubsiegerin 1979 and ADRK Klubjugendsieger 1978). The fate of Itta was unique— this dog was destined to become an iconic figure in the life of Schwaiger Wappen kennel. At the age of two, Itta v Zimmerplatz became World Champion (1981). In 1982, she became Champion of German Rottweiler Club (ADRK) and Interchampion.

Itta v Zimmerplatz was a large female (height 61 cm, weight 45 kg). She was very successful and popular among judges and fans of the breed. In 1981, Itta produced her first litter from Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen. From this combination, Nancy v Schwaiger Wappen, a brood bitch successful in producing in all respects, remained in the kennel. The combination of Dingo x Itta was duplicated later two
more times. This is the outstanding O-Litter 1982 (Orpheus, Osco, and Olfa v Schwaiger Wappen) and S-litter 1983 (Santo, Simmy, Sandra, Solvay, Sita, and Sascha v Schwaiger Wappen). The combination of Dingo and Itta can be called brilliant as it picked up the “Golden Couple” of the past century’s Rottweilers. Rottweilers resulting from this combination had, and continue to have after more than 15 generations, a major positive impact on our breed.

The descendants of Dingo and Itta in the early ’80s already had a whole set of qualities of the real Rottweiler which we want to see now in the fruits of modern selection. They were big, bony, bulky dogs with good angulation and a stable temperament. Most of the descendants of Dingo and Itta completed Körung successfully. The legendary Rottweiler International Champion, World Champion 1986 and American Champion Santo v Schwaiger Wappen had more titles that the others. Exported to the U.S., Santo was extensively used in breeding. While Santo still remained in Germany, a first-class male Benno vd Schwarzen Heide was obtained in 1985 from him and Laila v Hohenhameln. This outstanding dog Benno, who was raised by and made his career under the guidance of Mr. Xaver Meixner, had exactly the same fate as his father, Santo, having become World Champion and Champion of Europe in 1990, Champion of Germany in 1987 and Austria in 1989, he was also taken to the USA to one of the largest kennels, von Evman (owners M.& E. Johnson), where he was used successfully in the early ’90s. Though Benno left a relatively small number of descendants in Europe, he nevertheless is one of the most influential stud dogs in the history of the breed. His influence is still significant thanks to the members of the “Big Three” as I would call them: Benno’s three sons. Ken v Schwaiger Wappen, Doc vd Teufelsbrucke, and Falko vd Teufelsbrucke were trendsetters of the type in the ’90s, and Doc vd Teufelsbrucke became the main successor of the line Ives-Dingo in our days.

This critique and measurements give an image of Benno vd Schwarzen Heide, this famous stud dog. Excerpt from the critique of Benno vd Schwarzen Heide Born 15.05.86 (Santo v Schwaiger Wappen x Laila v Hohenhameln) ZTP 10.04.88 in Nurnberg, Judge W. Hedtke Height 65, weight 48 kg, the depth of chest 30 cm, chest girth 87 cm, length of body 75 cm, head length 15,0 cm, length of muzzle 9,0 cm

Medium height, bulky, very well built. Big head, well-shaped eyes 2b, short muzzle and a good stop. Lips pigmentation is dark, gums slightly decolorized. Ears of correct set, tightly pressed to the cheeks. Loose skin on the throat, a very good forbrust, deep chest, correct shoulder angle. Straight forelegs, the right slightly turned out. Short and strong neck, very good topline, strong hindquarters, angles very well developed. Coat of a correct structure, rusty-brown tan. Movement free, smooth, balanced, push of the left is not strong enough. Scissors bite.

Dingo and Itta’s sons Orpheus and Osco v Schwaiger Wappen were not less known at that time. They left a vast progeny of excellent quality. Female Simmy v Schwaiger Wappen was one of the major—producing females for Rottweiler kennel Zimmerplatz, having given the world remarkable stud dogs Torro and Timm v Zimmerplatz. Itta was used in breeding until 1987, having produced six high quality litters. Schwaiger Wappen kennel still carefully keeps the trophies: an abundance of Itta’s cups and her best photos. But the greatest monuments to this outstanding bitch while she was still alive were her descendants, in whom she is still living.

Now it’s time to elaborate on the history of the “Big Three,” the three main successors of the Ives line through Dingo v Schwaiger Wappen. They were Ken v Schwaiger Wappen, Falko vd Teufelsbrucke, and Doc vd Teufelsbrucke. Let’s start their descriptions with Ken v Schwaiger Wappen. As mentioned earlier, the kennel kept Nancy, Dingo and Itta’s daughter from the first litter. She was, like her parents, quite a large and impressive bitch (she was 61.5 cm at the withers and her weight was 45 kg). Nancy has not produced any outstanding stud males. However, two bitches, Vicky and Vinny from the litters out of Caro v Schwaiger Wappen and Nancy were left in the kennel. 1990 was very significant for Vicky’s breeding career. From Benno vd Schwarzen Heide (in inbreeding II: II in the parental couple Dingo x Itta through Santo and Nancy), Vicky produces the K-litter. There was a very titled Rottweiler, top model of the ’90s: Ken v Schwaiger Wappen. Ken was a very handsome Rottweiler, whose exterior many experts regarded as the ideal model of the modern standard of Rottweiler. Good average height, very strong in all the parts of the skeleton and ligaments, with supple movements, perfectly pigmented, he gave the impression of the balance of power, good angulation and type, desirable for many breeders which distinguishes the unique Champion Rottweiler from a common Rottweiler. At the age of one year old, in 1991 Ken von Schwaiger Wappen became Junior World Champion. At the age of three years old in 1993, he became ADRK Klubsieger, and the Austrian Rottweiler Club Winner in 1993. In 1994, he was only four years old and he had received the titles of World Champion, Champion of Germany, Champion of Europe, and Interchampion. Later, Ken was exported to Sweden where he won the title of Champion of Sweden and was the winner of a club show in Sweden.

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